A Republican state lawmaker is introducing a bill to establish civil unions for Minnesota gay couples as an alternative to legalizing same-sex marriage.
Cheaper college for immigrants in Minn.?
Lawmakers are considering extending Minnesota’s resident tuition rates for public colleges to illegal immigrants.
Obama to propose $100M brain mapping project
President Barack Obama is proposing a new research investment to map the human brain in hopes of eventually finding treatments for traumatic injuries and disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy.
Sifting of Sept. 11 debris for remains begins anew
Jim Riches pulled his son’s mangled body out of the rubble at the World Trade Center, but the phone calls still filtered in years afterward. The city kept finding more pieces of his son.
White House tries its hand at April Fool’s joke
The White House, busy with its annual Easter Egg Roll, also managed to pull off an April Fools’ prank.
Colorado prosecutors seeking death penalty for Holmes
Prosecutors on Monday said they will seek the death penalty against the man accused in last year’s movie theater attack that killed 12, wounded 70 and spurred new gun control laws in Colorado.
Temps will be chilly for Twins home opener
Things will be chilly when Minnesota and Detroit meet for the Twins’ home opener.
2 workers in NW Minnesota fall into scalding water
Authorities in northwestern Minnesota say two employees at a sugar plant have suffered serious burns after they fell into scalding hot water.
2 escape from low-security federal prison in Minn.
Authorities say two men convicted for fraud have escaped from a low-security federal prison camp near Duluth.
Losing our religion: Churches seek relevance as many Americans turn away from organized religion
God may be alive in the hearts of most Americans, but the church is not doing so well.
Nev. crash kills 5 in Calif. family; teen arrested
Five members of a Southern California family were killed in southern Nevada when their van was rear-ended by an 18-year-old driver who was later arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence, authorities said.
Vikings great Page pens kids’ book about odd pinky
Pro football Hall of Famer and Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Alan Page has written a children’s book about his odd pinky, a finger that’s permanently bent outward at a 90-degree angle.
However court rules, gay marriage debate won’t end
However the Supreme Court rules after its landmark hearings on same-sex marriage, the issue seems certain to divide Americans and states for many years to come.
Neither party has cash for student loan rate fix
Incoming college freshmen could end up paying $5,000 more for the same student loans their older siblings have if Congress doesn’t stop interest rates from doubling.
US launches new batch of graphic anti-smoking ads
Government health officials launched the second round of a graphic ad campaign Thursday that is designed to get smokers off tobacco, saying they believe the last effort convinced tens of thousands to quit.