This is Sports in :60 for Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015.
Does the melting pot still matter?
Columnist Claire Noack believes reaching the idyllic image of the melting pot should not be America’s goal.
Study tips for finals week
Columnist Claire Noack has some advice for studying during finals week, such as being active and changing up your study location.
Peaceful demonstrations bring effective change
Columnist Claire Noack says the current protests on decisions to not indict police officers in Ferguson and New York City show that problems of discrimination still remain.
Quantifying the quality of life
Minnesota was ranked second for quality of life, but columnist Claire Noack asks how we can objectively quantify the quality of life for an entire state.
Consider companies’ reputations before holiday shopping
With the start of the holiday shopping season, columnist Claire Noack says shoppers should be “checking their list twice” for which stores they should be supporting.
Photoshopping doesn’t create an ideal look
Kim Kardashian’s revealing and photoshopped photos were released a few weeks ago, and columnist Claire Noack says altered images have damaging effects.
Get informed about Ebola
Columnist Claire Noack says so much media coverage has caused Ebola hysteria and suggests we learn the real facts about the epidemic.
The power of modern storytellers
Columnist Claire Noack explains how modern storytellers share ideas and provide a voice for the younger generation through words and images.
Discrimination is scary
When it comes to Halloween, Columnist Claire Noack says there’s a line between good-natured humored and prejudiced costumes.
News in :90 – Oct. 23, 2014
This is News in :90 for Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014.
Bullying needs to be stopped
Columnist Claire Noack says bullying can happen to anyone of any age, but it is something everyone should rally against.
News in :90 – Oct. 16, 2014
This is News in :90 for Oct. 16, 2014.
Catholic culture at St. Thomas provides unique experience
Whether it’s inside or outside or the classroom, columnist Claire Noack says students can benefit from the Catholic community at St. Thomas.
College and work: Two different worlds?
Columnist Claire Noack explains why students should have a healthy mix of college and work, rather than trying to focus solely on either extreme.