While all St. Thomas students have transitioned to online classes, students taking lab courses are facing some additional challenges. Reporter Mae Macfarlane has the story.
Create[space] sparks student engagement and creativity with activity kits
The cancellation of in-person activities at St. Thomas has brought a surge of interest in the create[space] activities after director Manuela Hill-Muñoz developed what she calls “creativity kits”, mailed directly to students’ doors. Reporter Joey Swanson has the story.
INFOGRAPHIC: Having a healthier relationship with your devices
It is easy to become addicted to cell phones, tablets, laptops and more. Designer Maggie Stout looks at this situation and offers ideas on how to have a healthier relationship with your devices.
Campus Ministry offers online Mass live from Florence Chapel
While campus is mostly closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rev. Lawrence Blake holds daily Mass in the basement of the Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas, streamed live for the public to view online. Videographer Song Johansen has the story.
St. Thomas students donate face shields to local hospitals
As hospitals struggle to obtain personal protective equipment to protect their staff from COVID-19, one St. Thomas student was motivated by unused materials from the engineering department to start making face shields to donate to hospitals across Minnesota and Wisconsin. Reporter Leila Weah has the story.
COVID-19 in my Community: May 9, 2020
In TommieMedia’s fifth COVID-19 in my community report, reporter Andrés Tejeda reports from Chicago on the city’s new “Stay Home. Hit Play” initiative, designed to keep Chicago students engaged and educated during the Illinois stay-at-home order.
KUST keeps sound of campus alive during quarantine
For students and staff alike at St. Thomas, sheltering at home may have proven to be difficult for some, having something to look forward to creates motivation for other things. Reporter Mae Macfarlane has the story.
TommieMedia introduces “Quarantunes” Spotify playlist
Like many of you, we feel the increase in free time during a shelter-in-place, and with that the increase in music streams. So TommieMedia set to work, compiling the best of the best tunes to fit the quarantine mood from classic hits to recently released pop jams.
Seniors react to extended eligibility for spring athletes
Some St. Thomas senior athletes have questioned the viability of using the extended eligibility granted to all spring athletes by NCAA Division III. Reporter Burke Spizale has the story.
COVID-19 in my Community: May 6, 2020
In TommieMedia’s fourth COVID-19 in my community report, reporter Annie Terry reports from Greendale, Wisconsin on how residents in her community are hanging paper decorations for a neighborhood scavenger hunt, aiming to increase a sense of community amid social distancing regulations.
Minnesota’s golf courses reopen with restrictions in place
The University of St. Thomas golf teams weren’t able to compete this spring after the NCAA canceled all collegiate spring sports, but the golfers are able to play recreationally after Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz opened up golf courses across the state on April 17. Reporter Joey Swanson has the story.
LIFE IN ISOLATION: Taking time to reflect.
In the 10th “Life in Isolation” feature, Reporter Leila Weah discusses how she has used her new free time to reflect and focus on the little things she once took for granted.
COVID-19 UPDATE: President Sullivan announces pandemic cost-cutting measures and fall preparations
St. Thomas plans to furlough employees and temporarily cut salaries, among other cost-cutting measures in response to COVID-19, as preparations begin to hold classes both in-person and virtually during fall semester 2020, President Julie Sullivan said in an announcement Friday.
COVID-19 in my Community: May 1, 2020
In TommieMedia’s third COVID-19 in my Community report, reporter Mae Macfarlane reports from her hometown of Sioux City, Iowa on how a local food truck, Heartland Coffee and Nosh, has donated over $4000 worth of meals to healthcare workers.
Izzy’s Ice Cream closes St. Paul location
Izzy’s Ice Cream will permanently close its St. Paul location after serving community members for 20 years, as a result of economic difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Reporter Burke Spizale has the story.