USG President Dwight Anderson said the new website has been in the works for more than a year and will be similar to the St. Thomas Commuter Center website.
Lefties think quicker but more likely to carry gene linked to schizophrenia
In a recent New York Times article, psychologists suggested that hand dominance is related to brain asymmetry and lateralization, which is when one brain hemisphere’s structure and function is distinct from the other hemisphere.
News in :90 – April 4, 2011
[slidepress gallery=’110404_nin_trump’] This is News in :90 for Monday, April 4, 2011.
Fewer women in student government positions
Of the 50 colleges ranked highest by the U.S. News & World Report, less than a third of student presidents are women, according to The Washington Post. The trend exists at St. Thomas, too.
New club turns workshop into auto shop
The Formula SAE club is building a car to compete across the nation.
USG hears presentation on library mobile website
The associate director for digital initiatives spoke to USG Sunday night about the mobile website for St. Thomas libraries.
News in :90 – April 1, 2011
This is News in :90 for Friday, April 1, 2011.
St. Thomas cancels study abroad programs in Japan
St. Thomas has canceled all study abroad programs in Japan due to safety concerns. The cancellations affect the two students who were studying abroad in Japan and the four students planning to study there beginning in April.
News in :90 – March 31, 2011
This is News in :90 for Thursday, March 31, 2011.
Longtime friend shares Mother Teresa’s teachings
Jim Towey, Mother Teresa’s former legal counsel and friend, emphasized her compassion for others, faith in God and devotion to prayer in the presentation, “Mother Teresa at 100: Reflections on Why Her Work is Just Beginning.”
Mississippi River crests; water levels cause problems for crew team
The Mississippi River crested in St. Paul Wednesday and remained at 19 feet Wednesday evening. The high water levels have caused difficulties for the St. Thomas crew team, which has not been able to practice on the river yet.
News in :90 – March 30, 2011
This is News in :90 for Wednesday, March 30, 2011.
New policy has little effect on students with university health care
A new health care policy increases the quality of coverage for about 1.5 million students, but the policy has little effect on students with St. Thomas health care.
News in :90- March 29, 2011
This is News in :90 for Tuesday, March 29, 2011.
Texas gun bill draws mixed reactions at St. Thomas
The Texas House of Representatives recently passed a bill that would allow students, facility and staff to conceal and carry handguns with a permit on campus at public universities and schools across Texas.