This is News in :90 for Wednesday, March 16, 2011.
Travelers share story of ’30 Mosques in 30 Days’
New Yorkers Aman Ali and Bassam Tariq presented their “30 Mosques in 30 Days: An American Ramadan Road Trip Adventure” to St. Thomas Tuesday evening in the OEC auditorium.
Susan Alexander talks about Women’s History Month
Susan Alexander, executive adviser to the president, joins senior reporter Ariel Kendall in the studio to discuss the history of women at St. Thomas.
News in :90 – March 15, 2011
This is News in :90 for Tuesday, March 15, 2011.
Students push for more Fair Trade at St. Thomas
A group of St. Thomas students met Thursday to increase awareness at St. Thomas about Fair Trade practices.
Students promote brain research for Brain Awareness Week
Some neuroscience students are participating in outreach activities around the community for Brain Awareness Week, which takes place March 14 to March 20.
News in :90 – March 14, 2011
This is News in :90 for Monday, March 14, 2011.
Future university presidents won’t have to be priests
The Board of Trustees voted at its February meeting to allow Roman Catholic religious or Roman Catholic lay people – Catholics who aren’t priests or members of religious orders – to be hired as president in addition to priests.
New proposal would limit undergraduate transfer credits
The proposal would limit the number of transfer credits St. Thomas students can take once they enroll to 12 transfer credits.
Study finds college students’ sleep patterns unhealthy
Only 30 percent of college students get eight or more hours of sleep per night, and many display poor sleep habits, according to a new study.
News in :90 – March 11, 2011
This is News in :90 for Friday, March 11, 2011.
St. Thomas student in Japan safe after quake, tsunami
St. Thomas student Ben Fahey is studying abroad in Japan and is safe after a monumental earthquake and tsunami hit the country, said Tim Dohmen, study abroad adviser.
Students lobby legislators for state grant support at Day at the Capitol
Students visited the Minnesota Capitol Thursday for St. Thomas Day at the Capitol to lobby legislators to continue to support the State Grant Program.
Neighborhood livability survey suggests relations are at ‘tipping point’
Residents are concerned with increased student house rentals in the neighborhood. The percent of non-homestead residences, which are residences that are not the owner’s principal home, rose from 23.9 percent in 2002 to 40.5 percent in 2009 in the neighborhood surrounding St. Thomas.
Memorial fund pays for smoking cessation, fire safety programs
Students could pick up fire safety information and 9-volt batteries for their smoke detectors Thursday during convocation hour outside the Commuter Center at the “Change Your Clocks, Change Your Batteries” event.