Research shows that retrieval-memory testing methods help students learn more effectively than studying material repeatedly and “concept mapping.”
News in :90 – March 4, 2011
This is News in :90 for Friday, March 4, 2011.
Ken Auletta discusses digital media’s influence
Ken Auletta, media writer for The New Yorker and bestselling author, talked about how digital media is influencing the world.
News in :90 – March 3, 2011
This is News in :90 for Thursday, March 3, 2011.
More Muslim students at St. Thomas
St. Thomas’ Muslim enrollment has increased by 15 students each year for the past five years, according to the St. Thomas Office of Institutional Research and Analysis.
Anonymous donor matches $25 million grant
St. Thomas reached its $25 million match grant just before the March 1 deadline. It’s the largest match grant in St. Thomas’ history.
Student printing increases
One of the main reasons students are having to print more is because faculty members are putting class readings on Blackboard that were once purchased in the bookstore or handed out in class.
News in :90 – March 2, 2011
[slidepress gallery = ‘110302_nin_samuelson’] This is News in :90 for Wednesday, March 2, 2011.
Students driving less as gas prices soar
St. Thomas students are finding ways to cut back on driving as gas prices keep escalating.
The average cost per gallon in Minnesota Wednesday morning was $3.44.
No ‘test-optional’ admission policy at St. Thomas
Students applying to DePaul University will have the option to answer essay questions instead of submit test scores next fall, but St. Thomas will not follow suit.
News in :90 – March 1, 2011
This is News in :90 for Tuesday, March 1, 2011.
Students react to Wisconsin protests
Protesters at the Wisconsin state capitol have been opposing a proposed budget-repair bill since early last week that would cut government workers’ pay, benefits and bargaining rights.
News in :90 – Feb. 28, 2011
This is News in :90 for Monday, Feb. 28, 2011.
USG approves Voter’s Awareness Group, Obscure Sports Club
The Voter’s Awareness Group’s mission statement says the club’s purpose is to increase voter awareness and turnout at St. Thomas in an impartial way during elections.
Student tobacco use decreases at St. Thomas
A recent survey of more than 7,000 Minnesota residents found that the state’s adult tobacco use has decreased during the past 11 years, and that trend is reflected at St. Thomas as well.