[slidepress gallery=’101122_nin_omastiak’] This is News in :90 for Monday, Nov. 22, 2010.
USG amends constitution, stricter rules on club funding
The Undergraduate Student Government amended its constitution Sunday. The amendment, which was presented at the USG meeting last Sunday, more explicitly states what clubs cannot use club budget funding for.
Student thoughts on second-to-last Harry Potter movie
Pottermania swept the nation within the first 24 hours after the release of the latest Harry Potter installment, and students at St. Thomas have thoughts on the second-to-last movie in the franchise.
News in :90 – Nov. 19, 2010
This is News in :90 for Friday, Nov. 19, 2010.
Administrators answer student policy questions at USG forum
St. Thomas administrators answered students’ questions about new university policies at the 2010 State of the University Forum during convocation hour Nov. 18 in the OEC auditorium.
Diversity spreads throughout campus in International Education Week
“Jest wiele powodow dla ktorych wazne jest celebrowanie roznorodnosci.” There are many reasons why it is important to celebrate diversity, said junior Lukasz Wlosiak in his native Polish.
News in :90 – Nov. 18, 2010
This is News in :90 for Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010.
Take your parents to school through university program
Parents of current undergraduate students can take two college courses for free with the Parent-On-Campus Program at St. Thomas.
News in :90 – Nov. 17, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’101117_nin_broadwell’] This is News in :90 for Wednseday, Nov. 17, 2010.
Community garden donates about 400 pounds of produce in first season
The St. Thomas community garden harvested close to 400 pounds of produce this fall, which was donated to local food shelves.
News in :90 – Nov. 16, 2010
This is News in :90 for Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010.
Recent study finds alcohol more dangerous than hard drugs
A new study is a buzz kill for anyone who thought alcohol was harmless. British researchers have found that alcohol is more dangerous than hard drugs.
News in :90 – Nov. 15, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’101115_nin_osterman’] This is News in :90 for Monday, Nov. 15, 2010.
USG proposes amendment to its constitution, prepares for university forum
The Undergraduate Student Government proposed a new amendment Sunday night to its constitution that specifically outlines what USG will not fund for clubs and organizations.
Students happy about new English requirement options
Students will no longer be required to take English 111 and English 112 due to changes in the English department core curriculum.