Students take initiative to raise awareness about suicide

[caption id="attachment_13661" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Courtesy of: STAR"]Courtesy of: STAR[/caption]

People might usually overlook National Mental Health Awareness Week, but after the recent tragic news about college students committing suicide across the country, St. Thomas students are raising awareness by holding an event on campus.

People might usually overlook National Mental Health Awareness Week, but after the recent tragic news about college students committing suicide across the country, St. Thomas students are raising awareness by holding an event on campus.

Although banned, T-shirts and party buses still show up in Collegeville

Even after the bans on party buses and inappropriate T-shirts at the Tommie-Johnnie football game, some students still rode party buses at least part of the way to the game, and some students snuck forbidden T-shirts into the stadium.

Even after the bans on party buses and inappropriate T-shirts at the Tommie-Johnnie football game, some students still rode party buses at least part of the way to the game, and some students snuck forbidden T-shirts into the stadium.