The Undergraduate Student Government unanimously passed a resolution on the Tommie-Johnnie rivalry at its meeting Sunday night. The resolution is a response to the offensive T-shirts the university banned.
News in :90 – Oct. 4, 2010
This is News in :90 for Monday, Oct. 4, 2010.
About 1 in 4 undergraduate women are sexual assault victims, new study says
Almost 25 percent of college women “have been victims of rape or attempted rape since the age of 14,” according to a recent Department of Justice study.
Cost calculator to make “cents” of tuition costs
Some students are surprised when they look at the price tag on their monthly tuition bills, but this won’t be the case next fall.
St. Thomas will be adding a federally mandated price calculator to its website to help students count the true cost of attending the university.
Gambling with your grades: A new way to embrace the “Easy A”
Do you think you will get an easy A? Are you confident enough to bet money on it? A new website called lets you do just that.
News in :90 – Oct. 1, 2010
This is News in :90 for Friday, Sept. 1, 2010.
News in :90 – Sept. 30, 2010
This is News in :90 for Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010.
Local bar sees increase in business since social host ordinance
It’s no secret that college means freedom for many students, and partying has a long-standing connection to college and university life. But St. Paul’s implementation of the social host ordinance last year has affected St. Thomas’ party scene.
Students should rethink study habits, new research shows
The New York Times article, “Forget what you know about good study habits,” explains that recent research supports the idea that some study strategies work better than others.
Archbishop celebrates Mass at St. Thomas
Archbishop John Nienstedt presided over Mass Wednesday, Sept. 29 at the Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas for an annual start-of-the-year event.
News in :90 – Sept. 29, 2010
[slidepress gallery= ‘100929_ninbroadwell’] This is News in :90 for Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010.
Schools crack down on offensive T-shirts
Wearing an inappropriate T-shirt to Saturday’s game against St. John’s could get you kicked out of the stadium. Producing and selling the T-shirts could put a black mark on your disciplinary record.
News in :90 – Sept. 28, 2010
This is News in :90 for Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010.
About 5,000 films available through library on-demand database
Studying for students usually means loads of reading, but St. Thomas’ new Films on Demand program is intended to provide an educational yet entertaining alternative.
Record-breaking floods affect students’ hometowns
Flooding continues to wreak havoc on communities in southeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin Monday. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty plans to meet with legislators today about the possibility of a special session to discuss flood aid.