Four St. Thomas Liturgical Choir members talked with TommieMedia about its spring benefit concert April 25 that helps out Hope Medical Clinics in Uganda.
Up ’til Dawn event to celebrate $70,000 in fundraising Friday
On Friday night, Up ‘til Dawn will host its grand finale to celebrate months of work. Teams have been building awareness and fundraising since the fall in an attempt to reach their goal amount of $100,000.
Comcast’s alert disrupts TV, IRT working to resolve issue
A scrolling message ran on the top on every channel of on-campus televisions throughout Wednesday.
An alert on the IRT website said the message from Comcast is a result of an upgrade that Comcast is working on. IRT said it is actively working with Comcast to resolve the issue.
News in :90 – April 22, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin-4.22.10′] This is News in :90 for Thursday, April 22, 2010.
Grace Hall fire evacuates residents twice
Grace Hall residents evacuated the building twice Wednesday night because of a fire in the elevator equipment room.
More than 400 attend student benefit for school in India
Many St. Thomas students attended Face Forward, a one-night celebration of humanity through art, Wednesday night at First Avenue and 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis.
Students team up with Special Olympics for movement
Senior Kari Jo Johnson said when she hears the word “retarded,” “It kills me … It’s like the absolute sharpest knife that punches you in the gut and makes you lose your breath.” Johnson’s younger brother, Zach, is 18 and has Down syndrome.
Rowers receive honor for river rescue
St. Paul Police Chief John Harrington will honor three St. Thomas rowers who helped rescue a man from the Mississippi River last year.
Senior Kyle Smisek, junior Danielle Assie and 2009 graduate Jim Portmann will receive Chief’s Awards Wednesday afternoon.
News in :90 – April 21, 2010
This is News in :90 for Wednesday, April 21, 2010.
Student legacy program promotes charitable donations
One hundred and fifty T-Shirts were distributed by the student legacy program as part of its “It Takes More than Tuition Week.”
No plastic, no complaints: Concert choir making sacrifices
Sophomore Becca Legatt said she used two plastic bottles a day before the challenge and has difficulty sticking to the challenge.
St. Thomas law prof wins GOP endorsement
Republicans from Minnesota’s Fourth Congressional District voted to endorse University of St. Thomas law professor Teresa Collett as this year’s GOP candidate.
News in :90 – April 20, 2010
This is News in :90 for Tuesday, April 20, 2010.
Connecting food and faith: Speaker gives sustainability tips
Nationally known agricultural conservationist Frederick Kirschenmann talked about the ethics of American food Monday in the O’Shaughnessy Education Center auditorium.
Bike culture budding at St. Thomas
Cycling culture at St. Thomas is growing as Minneapolis was named most bike-friendly city by a popular cycling magazine.