Group’s protests draw mixed reactions

St. Thomas’ Knights of Columbus have a tradition of praying in front of Planned Parenthood every Friday.

The group meets at 3:15 p.m. in the lobby of St. John Vianney Seminary and then car pools to the business on Ford Parkway in Highland Park.

Junior Sean Grismer said the group consists mostly of seminarians.

Down goes O’Shaughnessy Hall

Some St. Thomas students spent their Thursday morning gawking at the demolition of O’Shaughnessy Hall.

“I heard a rumor that the building was going to get demolished at 7:15,” sophomore Dominic Bouck said. “I thought it was pretty cool. I imagined a round ball so the claw was a little surprising.”

Demolition begins on O’Shaughnessy Hall

A giant claw started tearing down the walls of O’Shaughnessy Hall at 7:30 a.m. Thursday to make way for the new Anderson Student Center.

“We’ll pull the exterior walls down, expose the bearing structure, and start taking the structure down,” Construction Manager Jim Brummer said. “That will take about a week to complete and then they’ll start hauling out the debris, which will take about another week.”

Cretin-Derham Hall on partial lockdown

Cretin-Derham Hall was on partial lockdown this morning, after an e-mail threat that said something would happen Wednesday at the Catholic high school in St. Paul. The school received an e-mail Wednesday morning about a “vague threat on the Internet,” Principal Richard Engler wrote in an e-mail alert to parents.