As new building construction prevails on campus, students may see yet another project begin next fall with a current proposal to install a small wind turbine as soon as this summer.
Health advisory issued for air pollution in Twin Cities
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has canceled the air pollution health alert it issued for the Twin Cities and Rochester areas Tuesday.
But some St. Thomas students were left in the dark about the alert in the first place.
Two Pringles flavors recalled
Procter & Gamble recalled two versions of Pringles chips because of concerns about potential salmonella exposure.
The Cincinnati-based consumer products maker said Cheeseburger and Taco Night versions of the snack are recalled. The company is offering replacement coupons or refunds.
Yearbook to keep paper edition, add digital copies
Some colleges around the country have decided to scrap their traditional yearbooks, blaming the age of Facebook and budget cuts.
The University of Virginia is the most recent school to join a growing group of colleges that no longer publish yearbooks as more students have decided to share memories through social networking.
News in :90 – March 9, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin-3.9.10′] This is News in :90 for Tuesday, March 9, 2010.
Target Field replaces Dome Dog with four new varieties
Saying farewell to the Metrodome also meant saying goodbye to the much-loved Dome Dogs. But the Minnesota Twins will serve new hot dogs at Target Field.
Crossing bridges: 11 women join international celebration
Eleven women gathered at the South Campus grotto bridge Monday afternoon in honor of International Women’s Day. The event was one of many “Join Me at the Bridge” demonstrations sponsored by Women for Women International across the world. The peaceful gatherings are ways for men and women to bridge messages of hope to women in need.
News in :90 – March 8, 2010
This is News in :90 for Monday, March 8, 2010.
USG to give clubs and organizations more than $88,000
Among the top recipients of USG funding are Hana, the Rock Climbing Club, GMSA, SHINE and KUST.
Keeping up with times, library offers new texting service
With more than 250 electronic resources at St. Thomas libraries, finding what you’re looking for might be a struggle.
Students rally donations, spirit for cancer awareness event
With the American Cancer Society estimating that more than 1,500 people die each day from cancer, it is no wonder that students like senior Jennifer Nielsen and freshman Alexis Rodarmel want to find a cure any way possible.
News in :90 – March 5, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin3510′] This is News in :90 for Friday, March 5, 2010.
Talking Tommie Award with Steve Broszko
With senior Steve Broszko to receive the Tommie Award March 6 at the St. Thomas Day celebration, TommieMedia sat down with Broszko to find out what winning the award meant to the thespian.
A look inside Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex
The Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex doesn’t open until August 2010, but TommieMedia was allowed inside Wednesday on a guided tour to check out the progress.
Athletic director Steve Fritz, who was on his fifth tour of the facility, said the new field house will be about twice as big as Coughlan Field House.
News in :90 – March 4, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin3410′] This is News in :90 for Thursday, March 4, 2010.