[slidepress gallery=’nin21010-broadwell’] This is News in :90 for Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010.
Library coffee shop to begin brewing Wednesday morning
With construction finally complete, Coffee Bené will open its independently run coffee shop on the first floor of the library.
St. Paul declares snow emergency
The City of St. Paul has issued a snow emergency effective 9 p.m. tonight. Included are all streets posted with signs that say “NIGHT PLOW ROUTE” and one side of all north-south residential streets posted with signs that say “NIGHT PLOW ROUTE-THIS SIDE OF STREET.”
Zamlen case closed, mother continues investigating
St. Paul police have closed the books on the Dan Zamlen case, but his mother is continuing to investigate on her own.
Autopsy results released in June show Zamlen accidentally drowned. Police reports released yesterday say Zamlen was drinking before he went to a house party and brought alcohol.
News in :90 – Feb. 9, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin-2.9.10′] This is News in :90 for Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010.
Police close investigation of Zamlen death
The criminal investigation of the death of former St. Thomas student Dan Zamlen was formally closed last week, St. Paul Police Department spokesman Sgt. Paul Schnell said.
The case has officially been ruled an accidental death. Schnell said there was “never any foul play discovered relative to this case at all. The medical examiner did not find any indication that death was caused by foul play.”
Student-run book buyback finding some success
At the end of the fall semester, two students decided to create their own book buyback program to give St. Thomas students an alternative to selling their books back to the bookstore.
Construction pushes students to off-campus gyms
With the relocation of the weight room to the concession area of O’Shaughnessy Stadium, some St. Thomas students are choosing alternative places to work out.
Strength coach Tyrone Stenzel said the new weight room is “really undersized.”
“It’s just that we have a space crunch, and there’s really no place we can go,” Stenzel said.
News in :90 – Monday, Feb. 8, 2010
This is News in :90 for Monday, Feb. 8, 2010.
Ticket sales kick off Sunday performance of “Footloose”
St. Thomas students waited outside the Box Office in Murray-Herrick Campus Center today to purchase tickets to “Footloose” at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. Students who purchase the tickets will attend the musical on Sunday, Feb. 14.
“The tickets are only five dollars, so it’s a really good deal because it includes dinner and the show,” said Amber Marti, a graduate assistant with Campus and Residence Life.
South Campus gym may receive ‘facelift’ in May
St. Thomas internal construction staff met Monday, Feb. 1, for its regular meeting and discussed possible renovation ideas for the South Campus gym.
Winter storm warning for St. Paul, no emergency yet
With 3.1 inches of snow falling in a 24-hour period, the Twin Cities are under a winter storm warning until noon Tuesday and are facing record snowfall for February.
As of noon Monday, the city of Saint Paul had not declared a snow emergency.
Faculty members seek explanations for study abroad cuts
About 30 faculty members gathered Friday afternoon to learn more about the recent reduction in J-Term study abroad courses for 2011 and express their concerns.
“There are a lot of issues to discuss,” business professor Dawn Swink said. “I’m concerned because it seems like we are cutting out international study abroad opportunities.”
Joseph Kreitzer and Angeline Barretta-Herman, associate vice presidents for Academic Affairs, discussed the factors that led to the administrative decision to allow fewer J-Term study abroad courses this coming year.
Poster sale helps students brighten up dorm rooms
St. Thomas’s annual poster sale drew a crowd of students interested in spicing up the walls of their dorm rooms, apartments and houses.
Students perusing the sale, located in the lower level of Murray-Herrick in the campus square, were asked which posters they considered to be the best or most interesting.
Many students, like freshman Cynthia Burton, can’t pick a specific favorite.
HOURCAR Priuses may be affected by recent brake problems
Investigations have begun on the antilock brake systems on the 2010 Toyota Prius. There have been around 124 reports from U.S. customers citing brake trouble on slick or rough surfaces.