For more than two decades, St. Thomas students have spent their J-Terms and spring breaks giving back to communities in need through the student-led organization, VISION.
News in :90 – Feb. 5, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin2510-2′] This is News in :90 for Friday, Feb. 5, 2010.
Budget concerns mean fewer J-Term courses abroad
Senior Hannah Forstrom thinks other students should have the same opportunity she did to study in Italy over J-Term as part of the “Pilgrimage in Italy” theology course.
“It was such an enriching experience,” Forstrom said. “The benefits are endless.”
But students won’t have that chance in 2011 because “Pilgrimage in Italy” is one of several J-Term courses the university won’t offer for financial reasons.
In-studio interview delves deeper into VISION
Reporter Matt Linden sat down with senior Molly Hanten to get an in-depth look into her experience with the VISION program.
News in :90 – Feb. 4, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin2410-2′] This is News in :90 for Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010.
Book rentals soften students’ spending
With the spring semester under way, St. Thomas students are once again facing a costly task: purchasing textbooks for their classes. However, the book rental program, which is in its third semester at the bookstore, gives students a cheaper option than buying used or new books.
Solar panels finally atop Brady Hall
One year after a group of St. Thomas students envisioned placing solar panels atop Brady Hall, their wait is finally over.
Twenty solar panels, which are intended to reduce energy costs by $500 a year, were installed on the roof of the residence hall by late Wednesday evening.
Winter weather and questions about Brady’s structural stability delayed installation, which was planned for Dec. 19, according to junior David Hackworthy, who was a part of the student group.
Student group seeks to keep curtain up on theater program
A group of St. Thomas students is organizing a petition to continue the school’s joint theater partnership with St. Catherine University. When the St. Thomas theater department dissolved last year, the administration committed to supporting theater productions between the two universities, but only for the 2009-2010 school year.
New campus cars up for sharing
Two brand-new Toyota Priuses arrived on campus Monday, signaling the arrival of the HOURCAR car-sharing service to St. Thomas.
News in :90 – Feb. 3, 2010
[slidepress gallery=’nin2310′] This is News in :90 for Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2010.
Law professor enters congressional race
St. Thomas law professor Teresa Collett announced this week she will seek the Republican endorsement for Congress in Minnesota’s Fourth District.
The seat is held by Democrat Betty McCollum, who was first elected in 2000. The Fourth District includes St. Thomas’s St. Paul campus.
News in :90 – Feb. 2, 2010
This is News in :90 for Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010.
Toyota recall not driving students back to dealers
With Toyota’s accelerator recall making headlines, St. Thomas students seem relatively unaffected by the problem.
Nationwide, 2.3 million vehicles, comprising eight models, have been recalled. Toyota’s Lexus and Scion brands are not included in the recall.
News in :90 – Feb. 1, 2010
This is News in :90 for Monday, Feb. 1, 2010.
Campus construction on schedule for opening, demolition
Construction on the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex remains on schedule for its August 2010 opening date.