It’s easy to fall under the spell of fast food options and the convenience they bring on a college campus. Columnist Kayla Mayer offers advice on how to eat healthy at school.
OPINION: Study abroad for the class, not the destination
Many students use their J-Term study abroad for sightseeing and partying instead of studying. Opinions Editor Abby Sliva argues that students should pick their study abroad for the class, not for the destination.
OPINION: Making a case against the Super Bowl
This year’s Super Bowl in Atlanta features a matchup that most Midwesterners aren’t too eager to watch. Senior Reporter Noah Brown argues that this is the perfect time to forgo the big game and do something more enjoyable with your time.
OPINION: Link eXpress funds to rideshares
Although campus is in St. Paul, some fast food stops, grocery stores, and restaurants, may be difficult for students to access without a car. Opinions Editor Anna Hoffman argues that students should be able to use eXpress funds for rideshare options like Uber and Lyft.
OPINION: Understand the commitment of a four year degree
Students begin to discuss secondary educational opportunities in high school. Opinions editor Anna Hoffman argues that if students enter college without direction, they are wasting their money and time.
Letter to the Editor: Eat the ugly carrot
In the United States, 1,250 calories of food goes to waste per day. Communication and journalism student Miranda Herz argues that educating oneself on date labels, signing up for composting and buying imperfect foods will help to reduce food waste.
OPINION: Extended Thanksgiving break allows ample rest, travel time
Thursday and Friday are the only days off for Thanksgiving break. Opinions Editor Anna Hoffman argues that an extra day of break would show support for out-of-state students by providing a much-needed travel day.
OPINION: Culture can be changed with a more inclusive drinking policy
The culture of alcohol in the United States is much different than in many places around the world. Opinions Editor Anna Hoffman argues that lowering the drinking age to 19 would keep alcohol out of high schools and demystify it, so it becomes less of a problem in society.
OPINION: Use freedom to protest discrimination
More than 500 students, faculty and staff sat in the Anderson Student Center atrium for a BESA-organized protest on Oct. 25. Opinions Editor Anna Hoffman argues that as citizens of a free country, it is our duty to support those discriminated against with protest and action.
OPINION: Celebrities should advocate responsibly
Celebrities have a platform unlike other people in our society. Opinions Editor Anna Hoffman argues that because celebrities have millions of followers on social media, they have a much greater impact on audiences and need to use their attention for positive advocacy.
Letter to the Editor: Administration must do more to combat on-campus racism
MacGroveland neighborhood resident Anne Brandrud calls on university administration to follow up on the protocol for hate crimes. She argues that a lack of concrete action could discourage future students of all races from attending St. Thomas.
OPINION: Recognize climate change and act now
Hurricane Florence is one of many recent global natural disasters that have left thousands displaced. Opinions editor Anna Hoffman argues that it’s time for citizens to recognize the effects of climate change and act now.
OPINION: Volunteering or service learning should be a St. Thomas graduation requirement
For students at the University of St. Thomas, giving back to the community aligns with university’s mission.
Opinions Editor Anna Hoffman argues that volunteering or a form of service should not only be required for certain courses and clubs, but instead should be a requirement to graduate from the university.
OPINION: Judges should be held to higher moral standards
Judges are those who keep order by ensuring laws are followed and in some cases are finders of fact. Opinions Editor Anna Hoffman argues that judges should be held to a higher moral standard as a role model for citizens of our country.
OPINION: Minnesota custody laws rightfully support mothers’ rights
Minnesota laws grant sole custody of children born from unmarried parents to their mothers. Opinions Editor Anna Hoffman argues that this is the best policy for both the well-being of the child and the mother.