TommieMedia’s opinion writers tackled the abortion debate from both sides. Columnist Letizia Mariani writes the anti-abortion stance.
Opinion: Pro-abortion rights
TommieMedia’s opinion writers tackled the abortion debate from both sides. Columnist Sam Miner writes the pro-abortion stance.
The layers of art
Good art is the kind one can appreciate even knowing little to nothing about it.
The price of happiness
Choosing a major in college may be one of the biggest choices a student makes in their academic life.
Complaining: It’s what we do
If there’s one thing I habitually do more than eating, sleeping or breathing, it’s complaining.
Euthanasia: Bringing murder home
Euthanasia is based on the narcissistic, sentimental lie that life is only worth something if we are in no pain, if we not a burden to those around us and if we are able to accomplish something.
The price of free college
The expenses of a quality education don’t just disappear because someone put the word free in front of it.
The American Dream: An immigrant’s perspective
Opinions Editor Letizia Mariani shares her perspective on the American Dream based on her immigrant experience.
Love Patiently
Columnist Letizia Mariani delves into what makes a relationship happy and lasting.
iPhone 7: Wireless isn’t simplicity
The decision to upgrade to the iPhone 7 is not an easy one for opinions writer Samantha Miner.
Yes for a week
Columnist Leti Mariani said “yes” to everything for a week to see what would happen. Read about her experience here.
Pay attention to politics
Ignoring politics is not only impossible but also disadvantageous.
Prejudice: It’s only human
We find ourselves in a society that frowns upon treating what’s different as lesser, yet cannot seem to stop alienating what does not match up to any preconceived standards. We despise prejudice, but fail to rid the world of it. However, is prejudice truly to be eliminated?
Gun control: gray areas with a bloody result
How do you stop a bad person with a gun? Do you
Take away their gun
Send in a good person with a gun
Try to figure out why they’re bad
Tommie athletics – year in review
Throughout my four years at St. Thomas, I’ve witnessed some of the best athletes, teams and games that Division III has to offer.