A scrolling message ran on the top on every channel of on-campus televisions throughout Wednesday.
An alert on the IRT website said the message from Comcast is a result of an upgrade that Comcast is working on. IRT said it is actively working with Comcast to resolve the issue.
The message scrolling across screens reads:
“If you can see this message, the TV you’re watching isn’t yet ready for Comcast’s digital network enhancement. To order the necessary equipment, call 1-877-634-4434 or go to www. Compact.com/digitalnow to avoid service interruptions. Once you have digital equipment connected to your TV you will no longer see this message.”
Junior Kristina Renken first noticed the message around 8 a.m.
“I was wondering if there was something I needed to do,” she said. “Did I need a new plug-in or something?”
Until IRT resolves the problem, television viewers will just have to deal with the inconvenience.
“It’s definitely a nuisance,” freshman Matthew Buckley said. “I figured St. Thomas and Comcast would have done something about it by now.”
Zach Pagano can be reached at paga7147@stthomas.edu.