News in :90 – April 10, 2019

St. Thomas students can now compost with ease thanks to a new compost collection bin outside of Dowling Hall. This compost bin is the second on campus, and it joins the bin that has been located near the Binz Refectory for over a year.

This bin is part of a pilot composting program in an attempt to have more students composting out of their on-campus dorms and apartments.

In St. Paul, Mayor Melvin Carter announced on Tuesday, March 16 that the Red Bull Flugtag would be returning to the Twin Cities, but made no mention of the $225,000 public price tag for putting on the event.

The Red Bull Flugtag is a human-powered gliding competition that involves 5o teams piloting homemade aircraft across the Mississippi.

How this event will be financed still remains uncertain for the City of St. Paul. Visit St. Paul has contributed $85,000, but most of the funds have yet to be acquired.

Weather reports show that a powerful winter storm is expected to hit Minnesota from this afternoon through Friday morning. The National Weather Service projected that the Twin Cities will be affected by a mix of rain, freezing rain, and sleet which will then turn to sleet and snow.

The western border of the state will see the heaviest snow with up to two feet of snowfall expected.

This morning, scientists from the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration announced their successful capture of an image of the supermassive black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy.

It was previously thought impossible to take a photo of a black hole.

Emila Fredrickson can be reached at