News in :90 – Nov. 14, 2019

With historic impeachment hearings underway, Democrats and Republicans are hardening their arguments over the actions of president Donald Trump in connection with Ukraine as they set out to win over a deeply polarized American public.

Democrats say Wednesday’s extraordinary public session in the house revealed a striking account of trump abusing his office by pressing the newly elected president of Ukraine for political investigations of rival Democrats, all while holding up needed military aid.

They called it bribery and extortion. Republicans counter that the hearing showed none of that.
The battle over the name of a popular Minneapolis lake has landed before the Minnesota Supreme Court.
Justices heard arguments Wednesday on whether the state department of natural resources has the authority to change the name of Lake Calhoun to its original Dakota name, Bde Maka Ska.

The state court of appeals ruled in April that the agency overstepped its authority in January 2018 when it changed the name. It said authority to change the name rested with the legislature under statutes governing lake and other place names.

When St. Thomas announced the possibility of moving to the NCAA Division I, St. Thomas first-year Angelica Franaschouk decided it was time for St. Thomas students to start dressing like a D-I school.

Franaschouk is a business major with a passion for art and fashion. She put those interests together and started her own DIY clothing brand in early October.

“When I came to my first college football game, I was a little bit disappointed,” Franaschouk said. “Looking at social media at different schools, I just saw that the students would get very excited and make custom clothing and kind of go all out… I feel like this school has room to grow in that way.”

Franaschouk has been painting her own clothes since spring 2019.

Read the full story on TommieMedia.

Owen Landrud can be reached at