Eden Checkol, communication and journalism major
Checkol is from Roseville, Minn. She is the chief video editor for TommieMedia and an apartment coordinator in Flynn Hall. In the past, she has served as a Linkages mentor, the commuter senator for Undergraduate Student Government and the vice president of communication for African Nations Student Association.
As part of the McNair Scholars program, Checkol attended seminars and had her graduate-level research published, which she said is her greatest accomplishment at St. Thomas. She said her favorite St. Thomas memory was reconnecting with an old friend through the Reaching Excellence in Academics and Leadership program during her freshman year.
Checkol said other students might not be aware that she was heavily involved in choir throughout high school. She said she enjoyed it because it provided a “sense of being a part of a team and participating in competitions.”
After graduation, Checkol said she is looking for a job in journalism. She said she hopes to use her career as “a platform to bring communities together.”
Editor’s note: TommieMedia staff member Eden Checkol was not involved in editing this report and staff member Alex Goering was not involved in writing or editing this report.
Anastasia Straley can be reached at stra0669@stthomas.edu.