Brittanie Hundt, music and psychology major, 3.56 GPA
Hundt is from Sparta, Wisconsin. She is the vice president of public relations and leadership committee adviser for Hana, a resident adviser and she participates in the Student Alumni Mentor program.
After working toward the position since freshman year, Hundt said her greatest accomplishment is her role as an RA. Her favorite memory from St. Thomas is getting to know the girls on her floor and learning along with them during her first year as a resident adviser.
During her college path, Hundt experienced a lot of uncertainty and she said something interesting about her is that she now strives for and plans for a life based on her passions.
After graduation, Hundt plans to take a year off to explore her career options, looking specifically at opportunities within the social justice field that would allow her to incorporate her majors.
Rebecca Mariscal can be reached at mari2162@stthomas.edu.