Kris Wammer is the St. Thomas Professor of the Year for the 2016-2017 school year.
Wammer teaches sections of environmental chemistry and intro-level chemistry. Her pride and joy, however, is her connection with her research students.
“I get to work one-on-one with them and get to know them really well. We work together full-time all summer and then throughout the school year as they have time,” Wammer said. “It’s by far my favorite part — I get to know them as people and they grow a ton.”
Next academic year, Wammer will be filling a bigger role than just teaching: She will step into the position of the faculty development director.
“What this means is that I will be doing programming and grants that helps other professors with their teaching,” Wammer said.
Maddie Hankard, a junior environmental science major and geology minor, characterizes Wammer’s teaching style as hands-on and hands-off, though at first glance that seems like a paradox.
“She gives us hands-on experience,” Hankard said. “But she has a very hands-off approach of letting us solve problems.”
By working in the lab, Wammer provides Hankard and other environmental science and chemistry students with real world experience.
“The way she treats us is how an employer would treat their employees,” Hankard said.
Hankard had Wammer for first-year chemistry and now works as a research student studying the sun’s chemical effects on pharmaceuticals in the environment.
“[Wammer] is a good balance of being a fun and smart person and overall just a good role model in general,” Hankard said.
Wammer, however, has remained humble despite the honor of the title.
“It feels like luck of the draw,” Wammer said. “There are so many professors that could and should be recognized for their work.”
Wammer is thankful for her department and students.
“People appreciate the kind of work I’m doing and people are encouraging me to keep working,” Wammer said.
Abby Sliva can be reached at sliv7912@stthomas.edu.