Second-year experience to develop second-year students

(Scout Mason/TommieMedia)

St. Thomas is adding a second-year experience course for second-year students for the 2022-23 school year.

Now that second-year students are required to live on campus, the University of St. Thomas has incorporated a class similar to the first-year experience that first-years are required to participate in. The new class will include activities and events that are based around prepping second-years to be independent and guiding them to declare their major and explore career paths.

“I know some students come into college with an idea and then take a class (that) just totally changes their tracks, and that’s OK,” Director of Campus Life Margaret Cahill said. “Second-year is about continuing that major exploration and then also, from a social standpoint, just building upon those connections and relationships you started your first year.”

Unlike first-year experience, second-year students will not have any required classes that they need to participate in. The majority of the experience will be through events, rather than through a classroom.

“It’s really to provide second-year students a sort of roadmap on things that are important to think about and consider and check off and achieve and try new things,” Cahill said.

The university has priorities coupled under five domains. Those domains include academic success and making progress toward graduation, preparing students for life and focusing on career exploration, building leadership skills and developing healthy life practices.

“The student experience is a top priority for us,” Cahill said. “We want to support that. and so this program is designed to provide that support and our hope is that students will engage in it, take advantage of it, and we hope that students do participate and find it useful.”

In addition, all events within this experience will be selected only for second-years.

“Second-year is the year you declare your major,” Cahill said. “Your major is based on what your career path might be and so really, what are those things that you need and so those events are very focused toward second-year students.”

Annabelle Wiskus can be reached at