“O’Anybodies” Irish clan makes their way in the parade, welcoming all to join along. (Madison Ordner/TommieMedia)
The St. Patrick’s Day costumes get more and more intricate as the parade continues. (Madison Ordner/TommieMedia)
Irish Elvis dances his way through the parade, stopping bystanders to dance and sing along. (Madison Ordner/TommieMedia)
Miss Shamrock waves at the crowds of people, standing in below freezing winds during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. (Madison Ordner/TommieMedia)
The St. Paul Fire Department marches in the St. Patrick’s Day parade on Friday afternoon. The fire department team had their full Irish gear on in celebration of the day’s festivities. (Madison Ordner/TommieMedia)
Pups of the parade steal the show with their festive St. Patrick’s Day attire. (Madison Ordner/TommieMedia)
Top hats and buttons decorate the crowds at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in downtown St. Paul on Friday afternoon. (Madison Ordner/TommieMedia)
An Irish Pipe Band in front of the St. Paul Public library, nearing the end of the parade on Friday. (Madison Ordner/TommieMedia)
Senator Amy Klobuchar, festive in green at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in downtown St. Paul. (Madison Ordner/TommieMedia)
The St. Paul Fire Department marched in the St. Patrick’s Day parade on Friday afternoon. Photojournalist Madison Ordner captured the event.