St. Thomas to require masks in classrooms for rest of semester

(Cam Kauffman/TommieMedia)

The University Action and Response Team announced the continued requirement of face coverings in classrooms, labs, St. Thomas’ shuttle and the Center for Well-Being for the remainder of the semester.

UART decided to not lift the requirement “to keep our community as virus free as possible headed into finals and commencement ceremonies,” it wrote on OneStThomas April 21.

The message announced the continuation of face coverings to St. Thomas students, faculty and staff.

“We took a look at where we are and the evidence we had and decided we want to stay the course through the end of the academic year,” UART COVID-19 Management Co-chair Wendy Wyatt said.

UART also encouraged the St. Thomas community to support those who want to wear a mask.

“We want people to always have a face coverings with them, so that if they’re asked to put one on, they will,” Wyatt said.

With fewer people on campus this summer and low numbers of cases on campus, UART will potentially drop the requirement for summer classes.

“I think it is a strong possibility that we will not be wearing face masks in the summer,” UART COVID-19 Management Co-chair Karen Lange said.

UART encouraged community members to use the university’s self-report form and to get a booster shot.

“We know that many of our students have gotten the booster, but we’re continuing to encourage that,” Lange said. “We think the vaccination rate is at a healthy rate but of course, we always continue to encourage students to get vaccinated.”

Natalie Hoepner can be reached at