On average, we spend 26 years of our lives asleep. Opinions Editor Maddie Peters argues we should invest in healthy sleeping habits so that we can make the most of our time awake.
Healthy fall habits
As students adjust to their fall class schedules, many encounter issues with their physical and mental health. Designer Emilia Fredrickson outlines healthy habits for students to follow during the school year.
How sleep deprivation affects college students
Designer Jana Hontanosas looks at facts about sleep deprivation among college students.
Don’t sleep away your day
COJO student Adam Kraft argues that college students should find a specific sleeping schedule instead of sleeping long into the afternoon.
Insomnia: facts and figures
Designer Kari Johnson examines the facts and figures behind insomnia.
Wellness Center challenges students to improve sleep habits
The Wellness Center is currently hosting a sleep challenge called ‘Get More Zzz’s to Get More A’s’ this month to improve students’ sleep habits.
Napping rooms on campus could provide benefits
College campuses across the country are installing designated napping spaces, and St. Thomas students and faculty believe they would be beneficial on campus.
St. Thomas sleep study shows link to academic success
Two St. Thomas professors reviewed survey data in order to create a comprehensive report about the effects of sleep on academic success.
5 tips for more sleep
Between classes, jobs, internships and fun, college students don’t get the right of amount of sleep. Designer Cecelia Porter tells you how to get more “zzz’s.”