The university announced Tuesday plans to build two new residence halls and renovate Brady and Dowling halls over the next three summers.

John Paul II Hall on North Campus is one of two buildings that will be replaced with new dorms by 2020. (Jack Stanek/TommieMedia)
According to an email sent by the university, a new hall for first-year students will be built where the John Paul II dormitory sits and will house 480 students, a 350-student increase. A sophomore dorm on the site of the Faculty Residence apartments will house around 200 students. Both are expected to be open by fall 2020.
The new buildings will have underground parking facilities and will hold just under 225 cars combined.
The estimated cost for the projects is $85 million and will be funded by public bonds that will be repaid by the revenue from the new dorms. Tuition will not be used for the projects, the email said.
Two construction firms, the Opus Group and Ryan Companies, will design and build both projects.
In addition to the two new halls, plans to renovate Brady and Dowling halls were announced. The buildings will remain open for residents during renovation.